Monday, December 13, 2010

Have you done something Good for Yourself lately?

Have you done something GOOD for yourself lately?

I started out on this blog at the lst of 2010, done well for awhile then, I got sick and things went down hill from there!

A few months back, I lost 26 pounds and that did me good, but I still haven't found my "thing" just for me!
It is harder than you think! 

 I am, was a stay at home mom for the last 26 years!  My youngest is now a freshman in college and yes he "needs" me occasionally, I am left to think and ponder now?? 

 I don't think that is a good thing for most people, I have to many things going on in my head most days!
I am a creator, I love to make things, paint things, write things, the list never ends!  I have to stay busy even when I am watching tv!
I have 20 different craft projects started and occasionally get one done. 

 But yet, there is something missing just for me :(
What about you??  How do you do good just for you??  I really want to find a part time job that fits me!  NOT easily done!  I really want to start yoga for me, why haven't I don't that??? 
I would love to hear from you all and see what is going on with you and any suggestions out there!  Thanks so much!
And by the way, here are my selling places for all those crafts
I could use the money to do something for me :)
Thanks for following! Lisa

Follow me on twitter, artbylisak
and facebook creations & artbylisak


Unknown said...

When I pick up my coloring book and color, that's just for me.
When I sit down to do a puzzle.
When I go to Kohls all by myself to look at clothes and try them on, whether I buy something or not, that's just for me.
Also, when I need to rest and get all comfy on the couch and watch a good movie or a favorite tv show, that's definately for me.
Simple things I know, but they keep me going.

Anonymous said...

Lately I have been doing things for others. Weather it be helping move or just to listen. But I still do something for me everyday. If it's just a good cup of cocoa or maybe take a little longer in the shower or flip through an art supply catalog and dream :)
I've tried Yoga..It's not for me, but I have started belly dancing. Much more fun and it is low impact. FitTV has a show named Shimmy that comes on just about everyday. 30 minutes and you feel like you've worked out without WORKING out. :)

Unknown said...

Simple things keep us sane :-) :-)